Identify and explaining A Model of Factors Affecting IRGC Intelligence in Discovering Knowledge Needs

Document Type : Original Article


An important conduct of every organizations in the process of knowledge management relates to identifying its knowledge needs to remove deficiencies and fill knowledge gaps. It can be notified that if an organization is able to take this important step correctly and in time, it will be able to act intelligently in discovering its knowledge needs. What are the factors affecting the success of this step and how effective is each of them?  Interviewing the experts with a descriptive-analytical method, the organizational intelligence and its factors were investigated. Four factors including "intellectual knowledge capital", "organizational culture", "and structure" and "information technology" were identified as having the most frequencies in organizational intelligence. Having identified the dimensions and components of the model, while validating the questionnaire by the experts in the field of knowledge and research, a survey was conducted among the statistical community which included knowledge and research administrators of the IRGC. AS the statistical population of this study included about 70 subjects in 1395, the sample was selected by the whole number method. The normality of the research variables was examined by Kolmogorov–Smirnov test (KS test) test. Because of the limited statistical population, PLS software was used for analysis.  For prioritizing the intensity of the effect of factors influencing intelligence, Friedman test was employed. The results indicated that the variables of information technology, intellectual capital, organizational knowledge and organizational culture had the greatest impact on intelligence in the discovery of the knowledge needs of the IRGC. The variables of organizational structure did not declare significant effect.


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