Identifying the Features of a Healthy Person in Defense Position


This research is an introductory attempt to acquire concepts and a model for conceptualizing mental health of individuals in military and defense domains. The researchers reviewed defense and military literature through content analysis. The sampling was selected from available researches in defense and military fields so that they could find better results by examining more texts. Finally, 58 internal and external research papers were selected as the ultimate sample. Subsequently, five other experts in the field of military and mental health studied the research. The identified components were analyzed by Kappa statistics. Lastly, the conceptual model of the components for explaining a healthy man in defense were reported in three areas of pathology, positivism and attitude as follows: pathology (anxiety, depression, paranoia, obsession, and narcissism); positivism (positivity, sexual health, spiritual well-being, and social well-being); dimensions of attitude (occupational attitude, attitude towards addiction).

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