An Investigation of Factors Affecting the Promotion of Insight of the Commanders of Sepah in Fighting against Soft War (Case Study: Khatam-al-Anbia Headquarters)

Document Type : Original Article


This research is aimed at investigating factors affecting the promotion of the insight of the commanders of Sepah in fighting against soft war. Using a descriptive-analytic method, this applied research follows library and field studies for collecting data. While conducting theoretical studies and field observations, the researchers attempted to take an effective step to achieve the goal of research and to provide an answer to the question of how the effective the factors are, and to explain their impact on promoting the insight of the IRGC commanders in fighting against soft war. Hence, having conducted theoretical studies and field surveys at the construction headquarters of Khatam-al-Anbia, the components and factors contributing to the promotion of the level of insight of the commanders of the IRGC in fighting soft war were identified, and the conceptual model of the research was designed. Finally, the factors were classified in a questionnaire consisting of 22 closed questions to receive the opinion of the population of the statistical sample. The questionnaire was distributed among 28 experts in the community of total population sampling. Having collected the questionnaires and having analyzed the opinions of the sample group, the researchers analyzed the data using statistical techniques and methods ending in an answer to the research question. Three components of the affirmative and preventive factors of promoting the insight of commanders' were identified in 22 factors. In terms of their average priority, their impact as effective factors in promoting the level of insight of the commanders of the Revolutionary Guards in fighting soft war was explained.


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