The Role of Gamification Technology in Learning Military Commanding and Management

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management and Strategic Planning, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D. Student in Systems Management, Faculty of Management & Strategic Planning, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran


War simulation games are now designed by most of the world's advanced military colleges and headquarters for military training. Military officers can reinforce their strategic and tactical abilities by these games. On the other hand, gamification technology has recently been used by organizations to meet educational and behavioral goals. Military gamification is also used in the world as a socio-cultural instrument for producing soft power and empowering armies. This developmental research investigates the structured theoretical literature through meta-analysis and analyzes the data to explain the role of gamification in learning military command and management. Meta-analysis implies the integration of the components such as information, concepts, and theories to form a whole. It is a kind of review based on the concept of knowledge aggregated ideas. Using this approach, researchers develop their studies based on the findings of previous researchers. The findings of this study demonstrate the dynamics associated with the military gamification (including rewards, seeking success and social position, winning over challenge, self-declaration and specificity, competing with others, and humanitarianism), as well as military-related mechanisms (including privileges, processes, missions, virtual goods, ranking tables, tournaments, and gift-giving). To end with, innovative suggestions are proposed based on a nine-dimensional model of educational designing and learning through the use of military gamification technology.


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