Methods of Upgrading the Performance and Capabilities of Fuzzy Array Radars in the Detection and Tracking of Combat UAVs

Document Type : Original Article


Graduated from Imam Hossein University (AS) with a master's degree in defense management


This research is mainly intended to provide techniques for promoting the functions and capabilities of Fuzzy array radars in the detection and tracking of combat UAVs.  This applied research follows a descriptive and analytical method whose statistical population contains all commanders and users of the involved systems. Forty-three individuals are selected as the sample by purposive sampling method.  Based on the findings of the literature and theoretical foundations of the research, a researcher-made questionnaire was designed whose validity was confirmed by the experts and whose reliability was tested by SPSS and Cronbach's alpha coefficient. After the confirmation of the validity and reliability of the questionnaire, the researcher analyzed the collected data. The results indicated that eight factors affected the promotion of the function and capability of Fuzzy array radars in the detection and tracking of combat UAVs relating technological characteristics, application, and manpower. They were presented in the research process and the results were demonstrated.


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https://WWW.Microwaves101 Ferdinand Braun