An Explanation and Analysis of the Indicators of Good Governance in the Ministry of Defense and Iranian Armed Forces Logistics

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Management, Malek Ashtar University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD Student in Public Administration, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran

3 Corresponding author: PhD student in Public Management and Public Policy, Imam Sadegh (AS) University, Tehran, Iran


The deep transformation of the concept of government and governmental agencies over the last 40 years has led to new theories and perspectives in the field of public administration. The main implications of these changes relate to turning of the government attention towards the application of the capacity of a wide range of other stakeholders and active agencies in the society to achieve the specified goals. In 1990s, the World Bank defined a special type of governance called good governance, along with its components and measuring indicators at international arena. This applied research is intended to define the theory of good governance and its components with its specific requirements in the Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics through library research method. Afterwards, using a questionnaire as research tool, the researchers identified its indicators in the ministry and its affiliated organizations by referring to the comments of the specialists and managers. Thus, content analysis and survey methods were employed to carry out the research. The results of the statistical analysis (hypothesis testing) obtained by SPSS software on a sample of 45 young or experienced managers of the Ministry of Defense, indicated that good governance indicators were gained properly. Yet, many of its indicators were far from the desired level in this ministry. The closeness of each indicator to the desired level was specified, and scientific and operational guidelines and suggestions were proposed for improving the current situation


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