The Anti-missile Defense Capability of Phalanx Cannon in US Destroyers

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor Imam Hossein University (PBUH) Tehran, Iran

2 Master of Defense Management, Imam Hossein University (AS), Tehran, Iran


Maintaining preparedness for facing potential future threats is an important task of the vigilant futurist military planners and thinkers in any country. The enmity of the American regime against the people of Iran, after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, is quite obvious to all. The presence of the US Navy and its military allies in the Persian Gulf has brought about serious threats, and is an indication of a permanent and direct US military attendance in the region. The researchers are concerned about the question that in the event of a possible war with the US in the Persian Gulf, how powerful the Phalanx cannon's anti-missile defense of US destroyers, which are extensively used in various operational regions and are also one of the most important US surface warships, will be. The data are collected by documentary method and by taking notes through descriptive-analytical method. Phalanx cannon anti-missile’s defense capability, including fast shooting, survey, reconnaissance, targeting, tracking, evaluation, collision capability, firing and automatically target destruction, were much better than manual control. However, this system suffers from some deficiencies including weak simultaneous engagement with multiple targets, firing from blind spots angles, ammunition shortages, operator and system errors, imitated capability of recognizing the targets or imposing more destructive power, limited shooting time and short range and weak continuous firing during combat.


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