Identifying and Evaluating Factors Affecting the Resilience of Technology in Sanction Situations through Structural-Interpretive Modeling Approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master student, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor, Department of Industrial Management, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, University of Industrial Management and Engineering, Malek Ashtar University of Technology, Tehran, Iran


In the unpredictable environmental situation caused by international sanctions, which has put increasing pressures on organizations, it seems quite essential to investigate the relationship between resilience and technology and identify effective factors in technology resilience facing severe fluctuations and disruptions. This study aims at identifying the factors which enhance the technology resilience of organizations and investigating their relationship to define the extent to which these factors are affected by and affect on one another. With this regard, having a comprehensive review of the literature in all fields of resilience, the researchers arranged a list of factors affecting the resilience of organizational technology in relation to complex technology. Afterwards, using Fuzzy-Delphi method and applying the opinion of experts, insignificant factors were eliminated. Applying the structural-interpretive modeling (ISM) approach to the identified factors, the researchers defined relationships between these factors. The stimulus-dependent relationships between the factors were explained through Micmac Analysis. In order to validate the research, a defense organization was selected as the case study. The results indicated that factors related to the organizations infrastructure in relation to resilience should be prioritized for implementation.  Close attention must be paid to other factors as well because many linking and mediating factors are present in this model.


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