Providing a Framework for Enhancing the Role of the Research Support Fund, Innovation and Development of Defense Technologies in Improving the Resilience of the Defense Supply Chain

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. in Industrial Management, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Iran

2 Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch

3 Assistant Professor, College of Farabi, University of Tehran, Iran


Nowadays, supply chain Resilience is considered as one of the essential requirements for reducing the severity and likelihood of disruptions, as well as the movement of the supply chain to the more favorable conditions. One of the ways to enhance the defense of the supply chain is to carry out innovative activities and develop technology in defense organizations. The main objective of this research is to enhance the effectiveness of the services and activities of the Fund to support research, innovation and development of defense technologies in order to enhance the resilience of the defense supply chain. This research has been conducted in two main stages. The first phase was the identification of defense supply chain resiliency enhancers which was based on a review of theoretical foundations and expert opinion. The second step, using the Fuzzy Topsis method, is to prioritize research support fund support, innovation and development of defense technologies based on identified resilience empowers. The results of the analysis of data with Fuzzy Topsis showed that the "provision of fan market services", "advisory services (mediating role)" and "provision of facilities to knowledge-based companies" are the highest priority respectively. Also, the analysis of the results of the research showed that the Fund for the Defense of Research, Innovation and Development of Defense Technologies, through the three roles of "mediator and coordinator", "supporting" and "guidance" can be effective in promoting the resilience of the defense supply chain.


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