Pure Assessment: A Model in the Field of Defense Security Assessment

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran

2 Corresponding Author: PhD Student in Public Policy, Faculty of Management and Economics, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran


 Having an accurate knowledge of the enemy, its methods of hostility and procedurescontain the most important tasks of analysts and defense-security policymakers ofthe country. Hence, in order to identify the methods of assessing the enemies, thisstudy tries to investigate the pure evaluation as a model for defense-securityassessment. This study is also intended to fill the important literature gap in thisfield by presenting the main concepts of pure assessment and give a history ofstudying this method for analysts and policymakers. Pure assessment is a method ofstrategic evaluation andanalysis in the United States, Britain and the occupyingregime of Israel, having been founded in the United States about half a century ago.This developmental research follows descriptive-explanatory case study method. For
collecting research data, the method of library and documentary studies has beenemployed. The results revealed that using pure assessment brings about a systematicand holistic view for defense and security and level assessments as wellas a longterm and forward-looking approach to issues concentrating on assessments on thebasis of quantitativequalitative consideration, rather than focusing solely onquantitative issues. This method of assessment provides an appropriate andmethodical framework for analysts and policymakers by analyzing complex andcomprehensive political, economic, social, and military relationships.


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