Explaining the Opportunities and Bottlenecks for the Development of Sustainable Security in Border Areas (Case Study of Bushehr Province)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Corresponding Author: Master of Political Geography, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant professor, Department of Geography, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran

3 PhD student in Islamic History, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


The issue of maintaining and expanding security in border areas, especially in countries that have long common borders with their neighbors, has always been the concern and sensitivity of those in the charge . Therefore, developmental differences between geographical locations are not the interest of human and damage the environment for development will create many problems for the future. Consequently, this study was conducted to investigate the opportunities and obstacles facing sustainable security in Bushehr province. In this research, the researcher has collected the required data in the form of libraries and documents. Based on the research findings, it is clear that in Bushehr province, opportunities for sustainable security development are favorable geographical location, favorable hydrocarbon resources, marine resources, the ability to produce new energy and also the province's bottlenecks in the field of sustainable security, military centers, economic resources, unemployment, Smuggling and problems of water resources can be mentioned. Improper use of resources has also led to environmental damage and deprivation of residents of services commensurate with the potential of the region.


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  1. کتابنامه

    الف) فارسی

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