A New Model for Balancing Military Power with an Emphasis on the Ground Military Power

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Strategic Defense Science, National Defense University, Tehran, Iran

2 Corresponding Author, Ph.D. Candidate, Military Strategic Management, National Defense University, Tehran, Iran


The 11-day Battle of the Quds sword ended while Hamas's military militants shot more than 3,000 missiles on the Gaza Strip, and despite the old Zionist attempt in full disarmament of Hamas and Gaza Strip eventually led to the victory of the resistance front. The secret of this Zafar was in using a creative and unique idea called a military tunnel, which led to changing global calculations. Military tunnels were merely part of the innovative capabilities of the resistance front in the face of the Zionist regime occupation, which occurred more vulnerability of this regime than any other time. This structure, as a valuable and unpreceded hide, minimizes the ability to obtain information, and extends the enemy calculations to a large extent, so that the advantage of the war, its advantage and equipment lacking equipment, drilled their bills. Military tunnels balances to overcome the opponents of the opponents. The importance and necessity of this research is since in spite of repeated use of military tunnels in the arena of conflict, so far, none of the laws of the rights of armed conflicts have been placed, and how their legal status is left to the international community. The main question of research is to investigate the legal status and the application of these facilities in the armed war of Hamas with the Zionist regime. The research hypothesis is that the legitimacy of the use of military tunnels depends on the construction of the methodology and method of using it in the battlefields, which itself represents the legal nature of this weapons. This paper examines the answer to the above question with the descriptive-analytic research method.


Smiley face

  • کتابنامه

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