Studying Regional and Transnational Organizations' Policy in Iraq's Imposed War against Iran from the International Law

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Imam Hussein University, Tehran, Iran

2 Corresponding Author, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Regional Studies, Imam Hussein University, Tehran, Iran


Incitement to war is one of the most harmful and at the same time the most destructive human experiences. The dragon of war transforms societies and human beings into nothingness in the shortest possible time and damages human emotions. The purpose of this article is to "examine the policy and policies of regional and trans-regional international organizations in the Iraq-Iran war from the perspective of international law." In this research, which has been compiled using descriptive-analytical method and relying on library and documentary sources, the policies of international and regional and trans-regional organizations during the imposed war have been portrayed from the perspective of international law. In the international system, the structural role of international organizations in the field of international standardization and influence on foreign policy is an irreplaceable and decisive role. Although these international organizations are considered to have an independent existence in the field of the international system, but the powerful world countries have always used their influence and power to exploit these organizations for their own goals and interests. The aggression of the Ba'athist forces in Iraq against the Islamic Republic of Iran was a clear violation of Iran's territorial integrity. Iraq sought to resolve its differences with Iran through the use of force on the international stage. Meanwhile, the performance of international organizations in the international system, ignoring the invasion of Iraq and not dealing with that country, causes the war to last eight years and inflict irreparable damage on both countries.


Smiley face

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    منابع خارجی و وبگاه‌های اینترنتی:

    • athir.blogfa. com
    • ir.www

Volume 20, Issue 94
Winter Quarterly
June 2022
Pages 83-110
  • Receive Date: 20 December 2021
  • Revise Date: 12 February 2022
  • Accept Date: 28 February 2022