The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ Doctrine of Training

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor and Member of Imam Hussein University, Tehran, Iran

2 Corresponding Author, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Strategic Defense Science, National Defense University, Tehran, Iran


In order to achieve the goals of training and actualization of internal talents, using past experiences, existing teachings, and considering the speed of developments and the nature of possible future battles, and to increase the capability and efficiency of IRGC forces, a doctrine based on principles and values ​​must be presented. The revolution should be compiled in accordance with the mission needs of the IRGC. In this research, we will compile the doctrine of training and education of the Revolutionary Guards. The present research is of developmental-applied type and is mixed with the research approach and is done using case-based method. The statistical population consists of military experts and specialists in the armed forces who have a history of service in strategic positions or a brigadier general position in the IRGC and the General Staff of the Armed Forces or have a doctorate or have scientific research in the subject of this dissertation. For data analysis, first, by conducting theoretical studies, documentary studies, as well as expert meetings, the principles and factors affecting the development of the doctrine of training and education of the Revolutionary Guards were identified. To extract the principles, the content analysis method and data coding of the foundation were used and to analyze the collected data, quantitative statistical methods, frequency distribution tables and inferential diagrams were used to explain the answers to the questions. Using statistical software such as SPSS, the principles were tested and reviewed. Finally, 12 doctrinal principles were extracted; 1) merit, 2) religious education, 3) proportion, 4) dynamism, 5) flexibility, 6) cohesion, 7) supply, 8) efficiency, 9)  continuity, 10) experience Central, 11) localization and 12) development.


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