Analyzing the reasons and motives of European youth joining the Takfiri group of ISIS

Document Type : Original Article


1 Imam Hossein University, Defense and Security Research Institute

2 Defense and Security Research Institute, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Tehran


Despite the claims of European governments to fight terrorism, a large number of young Europeans have joined ISIS. The increase in the activities of the takfiri group attributed to Salafism, especially in Europe, which use religion to justify themselves, and the trend towards anti-Shia thoughts and differences among Sunni European nations and the efforts of Salafist currents to polarize the Islamic world are intensifying. . Religious differences in Europe as well as the growth of European youth tendencies towards Takfiri groups in Europe have been one of the most important features, and there is sufficient information about the causes and motivations of European youth's tendency to ISIS among the relevant officials in Europe and the explanation of the effective mechanisms in recruiting It has been youth. Europe is seen as a thing for ISIS. Based on the findings of the research, it seems that a set of factors such as: crisis of identity and spirituality in the West, Islamophobia, social discrimination, material motives and poverty, Western security services, spiritual and psychological problems, Daesh teachings about the two concepts of jihad and caliphate. , religious motives and deceptive propaganda are among the factors of European youth joining this terrorist group. This research seeks to answer the question (why do some young people in Europe join ISIS?). To answer this question, a descriptive-analytical method has been used. The current research examines the identity characteristics, nature and belief bases, geographical distribution of European youth joining ISIS, the causes, motivations and mechanisms of European youth joining, as well as the consequences of the return of these terrorists to Europe.


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Volume 21, Issue 96
Summer 2022
December 2022
Pages 77-108
  • Receive Date: 05 September 2022
  • Revise Date: 09 December 2022
  • Accept Date: 08 February 2023