Evaluation model for emergency evacuation time of population in crowded places

Document Type : Original Article


malek ashtar


Planning and crisis management of potential accidents with emphasis on important approaches such as emergency evacuation in airport areas is worthy of attention. The purpose of this article is to identify the effective factors of emergency evacuation, check the current status of the airport, identify bottlenecks and evaluate the effect of dangerous bottlenecks on the route and time calculation. The research method is descriptive-analytical, in terms of solving a mixed problem. Collecting field and documentary information has been done. The statistical population includes 53 specialists. Random sampling and Cochran's formula were used. After conducting documentary and library studies, interviewing and completing questionnaires, factors affecting emergency evacuation have been identified, and then scenario modeling of current conditions and two models A and B have been done in Any Logic software. By comparing the two models, we find that the time is more reduced in model A, and it is possible to put the removal of entrance gates in the first priority of the evacuation strategies, and after that, the removal of the ticket booths in the passageway for passengers who have just disembarked from the plane. Previous researches have only looked at the current situation of the emergency evacuation issue in the study of resilience.


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