The relationship between knowledge management on organizational resilience and the mediating role of innovation management

Document Type : Original Article


1 Doctoral student of the Higher National Defense University

2 The members of the academic staff of Jihaddanshagah Sa'an T. Shaari and Danashouti, Ph.D. in transportation management, Danesh University national defense

3 Member of the academic staff of the Higher National Defense University

4 Assistant Professor of Malik Ashtar University of Technology

5 department of management and accounting, yadegar-e-imam khomeini(rah)shahre reybranch, islamic azad university,tehran,iran.


Change and competition are two major characteristics of today's societies and organizations, and the challenges created by these changes require organizational resilience. Knowledge management and innovation management help organizations to deal with unpredictable changes in a dynamic environment. Organizations are more successful if they learn earlier, faster and better than their competitors and learning moves in line with increasing organizational resilience. In this regard, the main goal of the current research is to provide a model to investigate and measure the impact of knowledge management on organizational resilience with The mediating role is innovation management. The main research question is what are the main components of knowledge management and organizational resilience to explain the meaningful relationship between them and the mediating role of innovation management? The statistical population includes 60 research managers of the studied research organization. The research method is descriptive and correlation type and is specifically based on the structural equation model. In this research, three questionnaires of knowledge management, organizational resilience and innovation management with a range of five options were prepared and their face and content validity was confirmed using experts' opinions and confirmatory factor analysis. The findings showed that considering that the significance value of Z is higher than 1.96 and also the value of goodness of fit (GOF) is 0.650, there is a significant relationship between knowledge management and organizational resilience through the mediating role of knowledge management. Increasing the level of knowledge management and innovation management mechanisms can increase organizational resilience


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