Solutions to increase the recruitment and employment of elites in the specialized groups of Basij

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master's student in Defense Management, Dafos Faculty, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Dafos Faculty, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran


This research focuses on ways to increase the recruitment of elites (in various fields such as politics, economy, culture and society, etc., which are privileged and high) to Mobilization with an emphasis on recruiting elites from specialized classes (including: professors, students, industrial engineers, agricultural engineers, engineers civil engineering, medical community, lawyers, artists, athletes and media) in the given province. The research method is descriptive and practical in terms of purpose. In this regard, after reviewing and criticizing the sources, a suitable theoretical framework was developed based on 5 influential components related to the subject, which was collected through the collection of library information and field investigation and research results using appropriate tools, and based on descriptive, analytical and survey. The content was analyzed and the results related to the analysis show that solutions such as predicting a special process to attract and employ the elites, attention to religious and spiritual issues, attention to the social status of the elites, support and service measures and scientific, educational and research activities by Basij As effective solutions to increase the recruitment and employment of elites, it is the mobilization of specialized strata (experts).


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