Identifying and Ranking the Antecedents of Inter-organizational Cooperation in defensive organizations

Document Type : Original Article


air university


The requirements and conditions governing the activity environment of organizations have made it more and more necessary to communicate with each other, so inter-organizational communication plays a significant role in the performance of organizations. In this regard, the current research has been conducted with the aim of identifying and prioritizing Antecedents of Inter-organizational Cooperation .This applied research was done with sequential mixed method (qualitative-quantitative). The statistical population in the qualitative part of experts included professors and managers communication. The statistical sample was obtained by snowball sampling and equal to 20 people. The obtained information was collected by semi-structured interview and analyzed by thematic analysis method. Then the obtained factors were validated. The statistical population in the quantitative part was the professors and employees of the defensive organizations, whose data was collected by the questionnaire method and using the structural equation model in the P.L.S software was analyzed. Findings shoewd that the identified antecedents of Inter-organizational Cooperation were categorized into three main categories: human factors, Structural factors and environmental factors. Quantitative findings also showed that the classification done can be confirmed. The ranking of the influence of these factors is also human, environmental and Structural antecedents respectively. The proposed model can help increase IRI military interactions and communications with other organizations to play a more effective role in the country and increase the country's defense power.


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