Strategizing to deal with the consequences of the security relations governing the relations between the United Arab Emirates and the Zionist regime using the soar strategy development model

Document Type : Original Article




The security relations governing the relations between the United Arab Emirates and the Zionist regime emphasize the fact that the Islamic Republic of Iran can be considered a common threat to the interests of the Emirates and the security and survival of the Zionist regime, for this reason, this issue is the main platform for the formation of the security relations between the UAE and the Zionist regime. Is. The change in the relations between Abu Dhabi and Tel Aviv has gone through a gradual and growing process, and after two decades of secret relations under the name of hidden diplomacy, it has become the normalization of relations between the UAE and the Zionist regime. In this regard, the development of relations between the UAE and the Zionist regime has consequences for Iran and creates the basis for the creation of security challenges in the region against Iran's interests, therefore it is necessary to formulate counter strategies.
The aim of the current research is to find a strategy to deal with the consequences ofAR strategic model.ling in order to measure the validity of form and content and to measure the reliability, the agreement of two coders was used. Data analysis was done through four factors in the SOAR model, by which strategic planning was carried out using the SOAR model, factors were identified and ranked based on the results of the research, and the most important strategic factors were extracted by intersection.


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