An Identification and Explanation of the Strategic Components of the School of Martyr Soleimani Based on Grounded Data Theory

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Business Management, Faculty of Economic and management, Khorramshahr University of Marine Science and Technology ,iran


In recent years, Iran has expanded its influence throughout the Middle East. General Qasem Soleimani is the one who is recognized as the principal architect behind this very policy. Undoubtedly, Soleimani is the pioneer of an unparalleled strategy and the most powerful general in the Middle East. He is also one of the most beloved figures in Iran. Despite persistent economic challenges, Iran has transformed itself today into one of the leading military and diplomatic powers in the Middle East. The main objective of this research is to identify and explain the strategic components of the Soleimani School using the Grounded Theory. Among the innovations of this study is the identification and explanation of the key factors of the Soleimani School through the utilization of qualitative research methods and MAXQDA software. In this research, the Grounded Theory research method was employed, and data were collected through in-depth interviews with 40 participants. The main criterion for determining the sample size was reaching theoretical saturation point. All individuals in the sample were purposefully selected for the study. Data coding and analysis were carried out in three stages, and ultimately, a paradigmatic model of the key factors of the Soleimani School was developed using the Grounded Theory. Based on the results of this study, seven themes were identified, including: worldview, school and ideology; management and leadership; the tangible model of the human pattern emerging from the school of Ahl al-Bayt (AS); elixirs of righteous living; the alternative model of the God-seeking military human; strengthening the bond of the Islamic nation and enhancing national solidarity; and the production of social capital.


Main Subjects

Smiley face

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