Strategic Gap Analysis of the General Policies of Economic Security in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Supreme National Defense University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Department of Crime Detection, Comprehensive University of Police Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

3 Faculty of Management and Accounting, College of Farabi, University of Tehran, Qom,, Iran


In recent years, economic security has taken the forefront in the demands of both the Supreme Leader and the people from the system. Although the general policies of the country's economic security have been on the agenda since the beginning of the 2010s, they have consistently been the system's Achilles' heel, to the extent that the system has faced a significant gap in expectations regarding the general policies of economic security. In this regard, the aim of the present research is to conduct a strategic gap analysis of the general policies of economic security in the country. This is intended to provide a foundation for diagnosis and improvement of the existing strategies. The present research is a qualitative study using content analysis method. It utilizes a triangulation of data sources, including statements made by Imam Khomeini (peace be upon him) and by the Supreme Leader, the perspectives of official authorities within the system, and the ideas of economic and political pundits in the country. The findings of this research indicate that among the five-fold policies of economic security in the Islamic Republic of Iran, enhancing the value-added of investments is emphasized by the system more than other dimensions and plays a pivotal role for the other four dimensions. Moreover, each dimension of the mentioned policies is equipped with seven comprehensive strategies, providing an economic, political, supervisory, and judicial tactical umbrella to achieve the goals of each dimension of the general policies of economic security. The strategic gap analysis actively breaks down the key nuclei of each of the mentioned strategies into achievable concepts, critically assesses them, and thereby provides a framework for closing the expectation gaps and improving the governance mechanisms.


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