Hydropolitical Strategies Used in the Diplomatic Efforts Aimed at Resolving Disputes between Iran and Afghanistan in the Hari River Basin

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master's degree in Political Science, Faculty of Humanities, Payam Noor Qochan University, Qochan, Iran

2 Lecturer and researcher at Imam Hossein University

3 Doctoral student of political science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

4 Doctoral student of Political Science, Shahid University, Tehran, Iran


“Diplomacy of Water” has been much recognized as a significant concept within the realm of diplomatic studies and water policy. This attention is justifiable due to the significance of hydropolitical changes, the necessity for employing new forms of diplomacy, and the increase in water resource scarcity. In this research, the focus is on formal and informal paths of water diplomacy, along with a review of library resources, with the aim of addressing two questions: 1) What role do water diplomacy processes play in understanding the actions of Iran and Afghanistan in the transboundary Hari River basin? 2) How might these processes contribute to the resolution of conflicts and facilitation of water cooperation? The findings indicate that, given the tensions and interactions, water diplomacy has the potential to support conflict resolution processes. Through formal and informal arrangements such as direct negotiations and a focus on cultural and economic dimensions, water cooperation becomes feasible. Therefore, water diplomacy, as a forward-looking approach in foreign policy and diplomacy, can play a significant role in the management of shared water resources and the resolution of water-related disputes within the broader framework of the nation's overarching policies.


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