The security implications of the normalization ofab relations with the Zionist regime and its impact on the security of the resistance axis

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student, Regional Studies of International Studies, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Tehran

2 Corresponding author: Associate Professor, Islamic Revolution, International Studies, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Tehran


The purpose of this article is to identify the security consequences of the normalization of Arab relations with the Zionist regime and measure its impact on the axis of resistance. The problem of the research is to explain the impact of the regional plan of the Zionist regime in the process of normalizing Arab relations with the Zionist regime, focusing on the Western-Hebrew axis. The research method is also qualitative and based on documents and surveys, and it is considered an applied research according to its purpose, and since this research seeks to discover the consequences of an event in order to find the existing issue and identify the prevailing trends, it will have a descriptive approach. . Establishing strategic relations between the Arabs and the Zionist regime enables this regime to increase some espionage and intelligence-security measures against the axis of resistance through the Arab countries. The findings of the article show; The normalization of Arab relations with the Zionist regime affects the security of the resistance axis from various angles, which includes factors such as creating a balance of threats against the resistance axis, creating new alignments in the region against the resistance axis, developing American influence in the region, the growth of groups Terrorism is the lack of formation of a stable regime and security arrangements in the Middle East and regional isolation and weakening of the axis of resistance.


Main Subjects

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