Analyzing the effective factors in desertion from military service among active duty employees (qualitative study)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master of Cultural Affairs Management, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Iran

2 Ph.D. in public administration, majoring in organizational behavior, lecturer at Imam Ali Afsari University (AS), Tehran


duty workers are part of the main body of the armed forces, who are assigned to military and law enforcement organizations for a period of time to create and maintain security in the country and social order. Therefore, the preservation of this huge human capital is considered vital. The purpose of this research is to analyze the effective factors in desertion of military service among active duty personnel. The current study is a qualitative research based on a systematic review and follows a developmental approach from the practical of the goal. The statistical population in this research is the articles indexed in the years 1390 to 1402 with the topic of "defection of soldiers" in various domestic citation databases, after applying the research criteria, 15 articles were selected for in-depth review. The research showed four main factors of command with sub-criteria (role of the commander and management style of commanders), environmental and organizational factor with sub-criteria (organizational structure, military rights, welfare facilities and environmental factors), individual factor with sub-criteria (psychological , personality, experience, education and skill and expertise) and external organizational factor with secondary criteria (economic, community and family) have an effective role in the phenomenon of desertion of duty employees. Since the phenomenon of desertion is not caused by one factor and various factors are influential, it seems logical that appropriate policies should be made in all areas and factors, and partialism cannot solve the problem of "desertion from military service" alone.


Main Subjects