The defense strategy of the Islamic Republic of Iran to confront takfiri groups in Syria

Document Type : Original Article


1 Engineering Faculty/Imam Hossein University/Iran/Tehran

2 Imam Hossein University

3 Researcher and Lecturer of Imam Hossein University of Officer Training and Guard Training

4 Imam Hossein university

5 Imam Hussein Guard Officer and Training University


The Syrian crisis has emerged as one of the most important issues in the West Asian region in the past ten years, and the Islamic Republic of Iran has been involved in this issue due to the issue of the axis of resistance and its interests and interests in the region. This article aims to analyze the defense strategies of the Islamic Republic of Iran to confront Takfiri groups in Syria. The type of research is "applied-developmental" that uses a case-based method. Interviews and a researcher-made questionnaire were used to collect information, and the opinions of experts in the field of study were used to examine the validity of the questionnaire, and Cronbach's alpha was used to examine the reliability of the questionnaire. After obtaining the opinions of the statistical community, data analysis was conducted using descriptive and inferential statistical techniques and methods. According to the research findings, strengthening the axis of resistance; strengthening Syria as the front line of the axis of resistance; expanding the strategic depth of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Levant region; establishing a balance of threats and emphasizing the Palestinian issue are the four defense strategies of the Islamic Republic of Iran to confront Takfiri groups in Syria.


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