Immortal organization in the light of understanding the stem cell metaphor

Document Type : Original Article


1 Doctoral student of Systems Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Transformation and Excellence, Faculty of Management and Economics, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran

3 Professor, Department of Transformation and Excellence, Faculty of Management and Economics, Imam Hossein (AS) University, Tehran, Iran


After the emergence of the metaphor of a living organism in the science of organization and management, a concept emerged as a life cycle, and at the end of this cycle, like any living organism, the death of the organization came. But there are creatures in nature that do not undergo aging and do not die a natural death, and the reason for this feature is the maximum number of stem cells in the body of these creatures. Just as the stem cell is unique for every organism, we can use the stem cell metaphor for all organizations and identify the immortality factor of the organization. After the emergence of the metaphor of a living organism in the science of organization and management, a concept emerged as a life cycle, and at the end of this cycle, like any living organism, the death of the organization came. But there are creatures in nature that do not undergo aging and do not die a natural death, and the reason for this feature is the maximum number of stem cells in the body of these creatures. Just as the stem cell is unique for every organism, we can use the stem cell metaphor for all organizations and identify the immortality factor of the organization. In the first step of the research, a semi-structured interview was conducted with 14 experts, and in the second step, by using the statements of Ayatollah Khamenei (Mad Zala Al-Ali), and in the third step, by forming an interactive group of experts, information was gathered. The results of This research shows that "revolutionary identity" acts as a stem cell in a revolutionary institution and revolutionary value, revolutionary attitude and revolutionary mission are the building blocks of revolutionary identity. The revolutionary identity, like a stem cell, brings the property of renewability, restoration and renewal in the revolutionary institution, and its maximization will cause immortality.


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